Wednesday, September 9, 2009


When most people first start out camping, start out tent camping. Here are some tent camping tips to help you get the most out of your tent camping trip. The first thing you need to do is select the type tent that is right for you. This may seem like a easy task, but it is a very important one that will make sure that your tent camping trip is an enjoyable one.

Make sure you pick out a tent that is well made and will stand up to years of use and will stand up to harsh weather conditions in case the weather should turn bad.

The size of the tent should be big enough to hold everyone that will be camping along with their clothing and any other gear they may want to keep in the tent. When the tent manufacturer states that the tent will sleep 4 people, it usually means that it is big enough for 2 people and their gear. It all depends on the level of comfort you would like to have.

One of the important tent camping tips is the placement of the tent. While most campgrounds provide you with a good level place for you to set up your tent, there are some with very poor areas that are not very tent friendly.

If the camping area doesn’t have a well laid out tent pad, choose an area that is the most level and is not in a low spot. Arrange the tent so that you are sleeping with you head where the ground is the highest.

Stay away from setting up your tent in a low spot as they can fill up with water if it should start to rain. Because you don't want to find this out the hard way by wake up one morning after a heavy rain to find that your tent had about two inches of water in it.

The use of tarps is not only a good tent camping tip, but should be a priority no mater what type of camping you do.

Before you set up your tent, make sure you place a tarp under the tent to keep moisture from coming up through the bottom of your tent. Even if it doesn’t rain, enough moisture can come up through the ground and turn your clothing and bedding moist.

It is also a good idea to place a tarp over the top of your tent. While most of your good quality tents are water resistant and will keep the rain out, it is still possible for water to seep through your tent on long rainy days and get your things wet.

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