Back Woods camping is when you go camping in a place that has know one else around. You do not have any electricity when you go back woods camping. There are no amenities of any kind when you back woods camp. Neighbors are no where in sight when you are back woods camping. You are very isolated and you can think about the things you want to think about. When you back wood camp you can get back to nature and to yourself. Back woods camping can be great for the person who likes to have some peace of mind . You can go back woods camping alone(not recommended) or with other people the main thing with back woods camping is that you don't have any conveniences.
Back woods camping is a good experience for just about everyone. You get a good feel for what life was like when people did not have electricity or running water. You find out what it is like to do things for yourself when you are back woods camping. Everything that you do with water is a larger task when you are back woods camping like dishes, washing clothes and yourself. You start to miss the modern things if you go back woods camping long enough.
If you are lucky enough to go back woods camping by a lake the experience can be really fantastic. A lake all to yourself is a great thing. Loons tend to be on quiet unpopulated lakes. Loons are fun to watch and listen too. Other wildlife is easier to view on a quiet lake like frogs, turtles and coyotes.
It's getting harder and harder to find a place that you can go back woods camping. The world is getting more crowded making it harder to find a place to go back woods camping. Some states have back woods campsites that are alone and away from all other campsites. Some places call primitive camping a camp spot that has no amenities but you still have neighbors. A true back woods camping experience is when you have no other people in view or amenities.
If you know someone who has some land you can ask to go back woods camping on there land. Or maybe you have land you can back woods camp on yourself. Some states have back woods camping in there state parks. You can hike into the woods in some parks and find a good spot to back woods camp.
Thursday, September 10, 2009
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A campsite with out a campfire is one without a soul
ReplyDeleteMy friend has one of these
It has helped us keep warm on many a cold night.
you could say it save our bacon and cook it:)