Thursday, August 6, 2009


The back woods campers travels light, because everything must be carried on their backs and still leave them room to enjoy their trek. Foods form a large part of the load (flower, for instance, is taken instead of loves of bread). Probably the only cooking gear they carries is a simple pot and pan.The secret to successful cooking backwoods is to build a good fire that will provide hot embers for it is embers that cook not the flames. Cooking fires may be divided into two kinds-the quick and the slow: The quick fire gives all it energy or heat in a few moments and is soon over, while the slow fire goes on and on giving a steady heat for a long time. The quick fire is for boiling coffee or the snack meal, and the slow fire is best suited to the end of the day cooking the main meal and for its comfort. Cooking on a smokey fire as you know is a miserable job, it give a peculiar taste to the food, blackens the pots you'll to scrubbing later.
Cooking without utensils is called backwoods cooking it is not only fun it also cut down on the clean up. You can cook many types of foods on wooden skewers find a thin green stick one that bend but dose not snap. Do not use holly, elm and laurel which are poisonous. Peel the bark off and make a point at one end. you can then push the skewer through the food and hang over the fire or laid with one end on the ground.
After backwoods cooking you have to clean up the pots and pans you have no dish detergent to break down the grease but still want to clean your cooking gear. The answer to cooking gear cleaning problem is at your camp site? wood ashes. Wood ashes have been used for centuries as a source of lye in the soap making process, when lye derived from wood ashes is mixed with fat oils a chemical actions take place that produces what we call soap. The pot that need cleaning put in the wood ashes then add hot water and mix into a thin paste. The hot water will create potassium salt from the wood ashes, which will then mix with the fat or oils in the food residue this from a crude soap. Smear this all over your cooking gear and let it set for several minute then scrub clean and rinse with water.

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