Friday, July 31, 2009


Backwoods camps are where you go camping in a place that has know one else around. There are no amenities of any kind and there are no neighbors at back woods camp.This is intense camping when we say ''backwoods camps,'' we mean ''backwoods camps,'' no 7-11 down the road, no cabin for shelter, no ranger to check up on you. During back woods camping, you pitch a tent in the middle of the woods and completely fend for yourself. In other words, it's primitive camping: get your own food, poop in the woods, sleep out side, and connect with nature.

When backwoods camping never do it alone put plainly, the large the group the better,and where two party is the minimum four would be truly ideal. This offers numerous advantages, including the dispersal of weighty communal items an increased party-presence that will help ward-off unwanted wildlife, and the reduced chance that a disaster along the trail will leave one member alone and immobilized while another goes back for help. Never wonder off the trail or away from the group it will have you thinking like this, its been three miles since I've seen human life, its been two miles since I've seen any semblance of a trail, it's been one mile since I started to panic then you know you're deep in the backwoods and lost so stay with the group and trail.

Here are few things that are very important to take with you, a hat for shading the sun and help out the sunscreen, axe for fire wood, bungee cord to hang a lantern or lock the cooler, rope that can be used for many thing and if you are going to be at a backwoods camp for more than a couple of days a portable toilet or shower will be invaluable. Backwoods campers always carry the essentials - a flashlight with spare batteries, a sweater or jacket, gloves, extra food & water, sunscreen, candles & fire starter, first aid kit, a small emergency tarp and a whistle or other emergency signal. A large orange garbage bag has several uses other than dry storage - as a raincoat, a mini-tent or a bright signal flag.

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