Choosing the right camping tent can be the determining factor in whether your next backwoods camping trip that packed with great memories, or a soggy disaster that you want to forget. There are so many factors to consider when purchasing your next camping tent, such as size, style, shape, weight, ventilation, fabric, poles, etc. Here are things to consider before you buy next camping tent.
Tents come in different classifications, each designed to meet different weather conditions and
camping needs. Two-Season Tents, designed for mild weather, are affordable. Made with lightweight fabric, they provide good ventilation, but don't have much protection from the elements. Do not purchasing a two-season tent if you plan to use it in cold, wet weather. Three-Season Tents are probably the most popular tent design. They provide well-ventilated shelter in spring, summer, and fall, and can withstand most bad weather except high wind and heavy snow accumulation. Choosing a three-season tent with a mesh inner body will have less condensation build-up inside the tent. Depending on your preference, and the weather, this tent works well with or without the fly. Designed to provide shelter in heavy weather, the Four-Season tent has a low, curved shape to prevent a large build-up of snow. It often has a full coverage fly and vestibule, and has more poles, more guy-points and lines for staking. It is made of heavier duty fabric than two or three season tents so it can withstand heavy rain and snowfall. There is less ventilation with a four-season tent, and these tents weigh a lots more than the two or three season tents. The four-season tent is ideal for camping in the mountains or in extremely cold weather, but offers poor ventilation for warm or moderate weather camping.
Tents also come in several shapes and styles: Dome tents offer good interior space. Its rounded, streamlined shape provides durability and strength against the wind. It is easy to set up and take down, and it can be freestanding or staked down. Cabin style tents provide much more usable interior volume. Because of its straight walls, it offers more head room and allows campers to push camping gear and cots closer to the walls. This style of tent is great for family camping and can accommodate several people, and provides good ventilation. A-Frame tents are smaller, lightweight, and easy to set up. They offer good floor space, but not much headroom. They provide good ventilation, and are freestanding. Screen Houses are very roomy, and provide a great place to relax and entertain while giving shelter from the sun, rain, and bugs.
Another consideration when buying your tent is the number of people that will be occupying the tent. There are Solo Camping Tents, which are compact, lightweight, and provide a comfortable area for one person. Backpacking tents come in various sizes from two to four people. These tents are also lightweight, durable and versatile. Family tents come in different sizes, ranging from four to nine people. Family tents are large, and have large windows and doors, which provide excellent ventilation. Outfitter Tents come in four to six persons, they are made for heavy duty use such as with an Outfitter, Tour groups, or Scouts. Four Season/Expedition Tents are relatively small,They usually sleep 2 to 3 people, they are made to withstand extreme weather conditions and be comfortable at the same time, ideal for mountaineering or expeditions.
In Summary there are a lot of quality camping tents to choose from, for all different kinds of camping, hopefully with this information it will help you choose the right tent , so you can Experience camping in the Backwoods.
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